Local Scientific Committee
International Advisory Committee
Eisebitt Stefan | TU Berlin, Germany |
Heun Stefan | NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy |
Nolting Frithjof | Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland |
Quitmann Christoph | MAX IV Lab, Lund, Sweden |
Phaneuf Ray | University of Maryland, USA |
Salviati Giancarlo | IMEM-CNR and University of Parma, Italy |
Sekiguchi Takashi | NIMS, Japan |
Ushioda Sukekatsu | NIMS, Japan |
Watanabe Yoshio | Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center, Japan |
Yamamoto Naoki | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |